Supporting the Health & Well-Being of Nurses & Nurse Educators Nationwide
Nursing groups and health care stakeholders continue to address burnout and the mental health and well-being of nurses and nurse educators, who could not be more important to our nation's future. Join the NLN in getting the word out that the health of nurses and nurse educators is vital to the health of patients and the health care system.
Resources & Information
- NursesEverywhere: The NLN is a founding member of this coalition of national and international health care leaders and innovators committed to health equity, well-being, and nursing recognition. Learn More
- The DAISY Foundation: The NLN supports the work of the DAISY Foundation to provide unique, meaningful, and impactful recognition that benefits nurses and the organizations that they work in. Learn More
- Resource Compendium for Health Care Worker Well-Being: This collection of resources highlights strategies and tools that health care leaders and workers can use across practice settings to take action toward decreasing burnout and improving clinician well-being. Access Now
- Well-Being Initiative: These free resources, tools, and apps are designed to support the mental health and resilience of all nurses. Access Now
- The Resilience Collaborative: Equipping Health Workers to Recover, Adapt and Grow: A global community of practice offers advance learning and drive adoption of evidence-based strategies for health worker resilience, particularly in low-resource settings. Access Now
- Why the Nursing Profession Is in Crisis and What We Can Do to Save It: Hospitals and healthcare administrators must come together to find ways to retain their nurses and to rethink how they manage their nursing workforce more generally; here are four potential strategies. Read More
- Transforming Together: Implications and Opportunities from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Nursing Education, Practice, and Regulation: More than 120 leaders in nursing and health care education, practice, and policy contributed to this report aimed at inspiring innovative disruption. Read More
News Articles
- The Nursing Faculty Shortage: How Can You be Part of the Solution?: No matter who you are, the nursing faculty shortage could eventually affect you, whether you are giving or receiving care. Read More
- Why There’s a Shortage of Nurse Educators, and Why That’s a Problem: Many are familiar with the longstanding nursing shortage in this country, but few may know of the subsequent compounding shortage in nurse faculty at colleges and universities across the country. Read More
- How Nursing Education Advances in the Face of America’s Nursing Shortage: Nurses have never been in greater demand all over the world, yet the American Association of Colleges of Nursing predicted that America is on the brink of a nursing shortage. Read More
Policy Statements
- NLN Value Statement on Workforce Demands of the Future: The Educational Imperative
- Statement from the Tri-Council for Nursing on the Status of the U.S. Health Care Workforce during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Make a Donation
Show your support for nurse educators by making a donation to the NLN Foundation for Nursing Education. Your contributions directly fund scholarships for nurse educators and grants for nursing education research. There are many ways to give, and any amount is welcome. You also can honor a colleague or a mentor with a gift.