2025 Scholarship Applications Now Open!
The 2025 scholarship period opened on February 24th, 2025, and will remain open until May 20, 2025.
Missed the 2025 Scholarship Application Webinar?
Want to learn more about the NLN Foundation scholarships but couldn't make the applicant webinar? Watch the recording of the 2025 Applicant Webinar now. During this webinar, the staff and chairs of the NLN Foundation for Nursing Education Scholarship Selection Panel discuss the scholarship process. This webinar covers each of the available scholarships, tips on applying, and answers to your questions.
For additional questions, please contact Emma Casey at ecasey@nln.org.
TruMerit™ (formerly CGFNS International) & NLN Foundation for Nursing Education Co-Create New Joint Venture: Distinguished Emerging Nursing Scholar Award
Inaugural Award Presentation to Two Post-Doctoral Researchers Set for 2025 NLN Education Summit, September 17-19 in Orlando, Florida
Washington, DC — The NLN Foundation for Nursing Education and TruMerit™ (formerly CGFNS International)* are pleased to announce an exciting new awards program targeting post-doctoral career nursing education researchers. The Distinguished Emerging Nursing Scholar Award will select two $10,000 winners to recognize and encourage emerging scholars whose research has been dedicated to the advancement of teaching and learning in nursing education.
Application for the new Distinguished Emerging Nursing Scholar Award opens February 24, with winners announced in July. Eligible applicants must have completed their doctoral dissertations on any topic related to nursing education within two years of the award presentation date. They will have committed to the pursuit of a career in nursing education research intended to have a significant, measurable impact on health care education systems worldwide. Preference will be shown toward candidates from developing and middle-income nations.
The inaugural awards presentation will take place at the 2025 NLN Education Summit, September 17-19 in Orlando, Florida. During this event, award winners will have their scholarship showcased before the highest profile conference of academic leaders, faculty and students across the nursing education community along with key public health policymakers and executives of health and hospital systems.
In addition to the monetary incentive, the new award offers support throughout the year from TruMerit™ and the NLN Foundation. Honorees will gain widespread visibility for their research findings and continuing investigations through distribution in both organizations’ publications, websites, social media channels and other outlets.
“Our new partnership with TruMerit™ creates a tremendous opportunity for post-doctoral nursing education researchers to advance their studies with more financial security. We are proud to co-sponsor this unique award to support and encourage innovative pedagogical models that positively impact global health for generations to come,” said NLN Foundation Chair Patrick Robinson, PhD, RN, ACRN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN, vice president of nursing at Pacific College of Health and Science.
“The future of nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce depends on the vision and dedication of newly minted scholars poised to conduct rigorous, original research into learning processes and teaching outcomes that promise success. This award represents an investment in that human capital, designed to promote transformative excellence in nursing education,” said NLN President and CEO Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN.
“Advancing nursing education and inspiring new ways of learning are essential to building a future-ready global healthcare workforce and, ultimately, bringing about greater access to high quality care worldwide. This program has the potential to play an outsized role in promoting the scholarly work and leadership that will get us there, and we are committed to ensuring its long-term success,” said Peter Preziosi, PhD, RN, CAE, President and CEO of TruMerit™.
Submissions must include a recommendation from a candidate’s dissertation advisor and a summary of the dissertation detailing a statement of need; research hypothesis; literature review; methodology; results; conclusions; and implications for further research.
A complete list of application requirements may be found at NLN.org.
*Please be advised that CGFNS International will announce a name change later this month, and you will see this change reflected in future communications about this scholarship program.
NLN Foundation for Nursing Education Announces 2024 Scholarship Awards
17 Graduate Students in Nursing Share Over $100,000
Washington, DC — Seventeen advanced degree nursing students have been awarded a total of $114,645 in financial support through the annual competitive scholarship program run by the National League for Nursing Foundation for Nursing Education. These include the 2024 winner of the new NLN Steve Cerame Nurse Educator Scholarship Award of up to $8,000, honoring the former chief financial officer for his 26 years of dedicated service to the League.
In addition, there are a dozen recipients of foundation scholarships of up to $8,000 each; the winner of the Health Carousel Foundation Nurse Educator Scholarship Award of $8,000 to an international student pursing an advanced degree in nursing education in the U.S.; the winner of the Edmund J.Y. Pajarillo Scholarship of up to $5,000 for graduate study in informatics and innovation in the use of data analysis and health information technology; and the Cecelia Lou Vriheas Scholarship Award winner of $8,000. The presentation to the scholarship winners will take place during the 2024 NLN Education Summit in San Antonio, Texas, September 18-20.
“We are proud to sponsor another year of scholarship support to deserving students enrolled in advanced degree programs who are committed to pursuing careers in nursing education. Thanks to the generosity of our dedicated donors to the NLN Foundation, the total available funds have increased every year, now over $100,000, which enables us to expand the number and size of scholarship awards and also focus on some specialized areas of study within nursing education,” said NLN Foundation Chair Patrick Robinson, PhD, RN, ACRN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN, vice president of nursing at Pacific College of Health and Science.
NLN President and CEO Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN, said, “Expanding the ranks of nurse faculty remains an urgent priority, helping the National League for Nursing to fulfill its mission to prepare a diverse nursing workforce to deliver outstanding and equitable care to advance the health of the nation and global community.”
2024 NLN Foundation for Nursing Education Faculty Scholarship Awards
The NLN Foundation Scholarship Awards Program seeks to support diverse nurses committed to careers in academic nursing education. Awards of up to $8,000 are made to nurses enrolled in accredited master’s or doctoral programs and have completed at least one year of advanced academic study toward their degrees.
- Arienne Patano, BSN, RN, CHPN, Michigan State University College of Nursing
- Fotini Katsipoutis, BSN, RN, CNOR, Chamberlain University
- Elicia Egozcue-Ochoa, MSN, APRN, CNRN, SCRN, CVRN, NPD, Grand Canyon University
- Adejoke Felicia Ogidan, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNE, University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing and Health Innovation
- Katherine Kreis, MSN, RN, CHSE, University of Texas at Arlington
- Jasline Moreno, MSN, RN, CHSE-A, CNE, MGH Institute of Health Professions
- Courtney Taylor, MSN, RN, University of South Alabama
- Jennifer Remick, MSN, RN, CPN, Bryan College of Health Sciences
- Courtney Klink, EdD(c), MSN, MBA, RN, University of West Georgia
- Pauline Hwang, DNP, AGACNP-BC, RN, Penn State University
- Kellie Ashburn, MSN, RN, CNE, Post University
- Tracy Scaletti, MSN, RN, CEN, CNE, Widener University
- Dorothy Addo-Mensah, MN, Bsc, RN, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
NLN Steve Cerame Nurse Educator Scholarship Award
The NLN Steve Cerame Nurse Educator Scholarship honors the National League for Nursing’s former chief financial officer and his 26 years of service, providing funds up to $8,000 annually to a future nurse educator in a master's or doctoral program. This scholarship is awarded to nurses pursuing advanced degrees to advance their career as a full-time nurse educator.
- Jennifer Roye, MSN, RN, CHSE, CNE, EdD (c) School: University of Alabama
Edmund J.Y. Pajarillo Health Informatics and Innovation Scholarship Award: $5,000
With a focus on informatics and innovation in the use of data analysis and health information technology, the Edmund J.Y. Pajarillo scholarship opens a new avenue of scholarship to support the National League for Nursing and its members. Multiple real-world applications of these research studies are urgently needed. A scholarship of up to $5,000 is offered annually to support an applicant enrolled in an accredited graduate-level program in this growing field of nursing education.
- Clarissa Afable, PhD(c), MSN-NI, RN School: Nova Southeastern University
Cecelia Lou Vriheas Scholarship Award: $8,000
The Cecelia Lou Scholarship is a single $8,000 scholarship awarded to nurses pursuing advanced degrees to advance their career as a full-time nurse educator who are the first in their family to pursue higher education and belong to an historically marginalized/excluded group, including but not limited to Black, Indigenous, Native American, Pacific Islander, immigrant populations, and those from rural areas.
- Vera Bratnichenko, MSN, RN, University of South Carolina
2024 NLN Health Carousel Foundation Nurse Educator Scholarship Award: $8,000
The Health Carousel Foundation Nurse Educator Scholarship is a single $8,000 scholarship awarded to a nurse who received an initial nursing degree outside of the United States but are now registered in the United States and pursuing an advanced degree to further a career as a full-time nurse educator.
- Hannah Durowaa Odei-Opoku, MPhil Nursing, BSc. Nursing, Dip Edu, University of Massachusetts
For information about the NLN Foundation for Nursing Education, visit NLN.org/Foundation.
About Us
The NLN has been promoting excellence in nursing education for more than 130 years through faculty development programs, networking opportunities, testing and assessment, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives. The generosity and vision
of old and new supporters, friends, and partners, continue to help the NLN fulfill its mission to advance the health of the nation and the global community.
We preserve nursing’s yesterday and contribute to its tomorrow. Your
support makes a difference. Today, you can help the NLN Foundation:
- Preserve the history of nursing education through the NLN Archives project. Supported by a matching grant from the Independence Foundation, these funds are allowing us to build an NLN archive at the Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Build the future of nursing education through established programs such as faculty scholarships and the scholarly writing retreat.
The NLN Foundation is deeply thankful to all benefactors for their continued support. This year, the Foundation has a new goal of $430,000 by December 31, 2024. All donations will help us successfully support our programs. Check out the many ways to give and help us advance the health of our nation through the power of nursing education.