CNE® Renewal

Please note: 
The renewal application must be submitted by October 1st of the expiration year.


About CNE Renewal

Welcome to the Certified Nurse Educator (CNE®) certification renewal page. The CNE® Renewal Program was created to help you remain current in the practice and continue to expand your knowledge relevant to the role of an academic nurse educator. The NLN's CNE® Renewal Program upholds both the objectives of the CNE® program and the NLN's vision to promote lifelong learning.

The NLN's decision to introduce a renewal program followed several years of careful consideration and market research. Information derived from surveys of certified members and nonmembers, as well as other benchmark data, showed not only that certification maintenance is standard among comparable organizations, but also that individuals overwhelmingly support some form of ongoing certification requirements for maintaining the integrity of their professional credentials.

This flexible program recognizes that you and your colleagues represent various careers levels, have different educational needs and career goals, and varying degrees of access to continuing education. Thus, requirements for maintaining certification can be met through multiple sources and a variety of professional development activities intended to help individuals prepare for the challenges ahead and maintain a professional edge by:

  • Preserving the currency of hard-earned certification credentials
  • Expanding their knowledge
  • Reinforcing skills
  • Improving job performance
  • Demonstrating commitment to excellence
  • Increasing competitive advantage

The renewal of the certifications requires evidence of continuing competency being demonstrated by activities directly linked to the competencies of the certification. Continuing competency of renewal activities should show ongoing demonstration of levels of knowledge and skills being applied to the role of the nurse educator, and a commitment to professional development and growth that is represented with the credential.

Each renewal cycle is a five-year period. The certification period begins on the day the CNE receives her/his official passing test score and ends on the last day of the fifth year. An expiration date is located on each CNE certificate. The renewal application must be submitted by October 1st of the expiration year.

CNE Renewal Fees:

  • NLN Member - $350
  • Non-member - $450

The Retired option is available for the CNE who is retiring from academic teaching and wishes to retain the credential. The Retired status as a form of renewal is a life-long status not requiring a renewal on a time cycle (i.e. five years). After approval, the credential designation “CNE Ret” may be used. The application for CNE Retired status can be completed through the Certification Portal.

CNE Retired Status Fees:

  • NLN Member - $250
  • Non-member - $325

Review the Requirements for Maintaining Your CNE

Review Information for Meeting the Requirements

Review the CNE Renewal Credit Guide (PDF)

Review the Certelligence Renewal Guide

Review the CNE Renewal Instructions (PowerPoint) 

Review the Sample Renewal Application (PDF)

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