NLN Academy of Nursing Education Application Deadline
Event Dates
The NLN Academy of Nursing Education fosters excellence in nursing education by recognizing and capitalizing on the wisdom of outstanding individuals in and outside the profession who have contributed to nursing education in sustained and significant ways. Fellows are expected to provide visionary leadership in nursing education and in the Academy, and to support the vision of the National League for Nursing.
Interested in applying? Submit your application by February 14!
- Check out the NLN Academy Handbook (Regular, Retired or Honorary) that corresponds to your application to learn about the three different applicant types.
- Read eligibility requirements here.
- ANEF application timeline and fees.
Consent to Use of Image, Name & Other Likeness
By attending any NLN events or entering in the facility in which any events take place, you agree that the NLN and/or third parties authorized by the NLN may photograph or record your likeness, image, name, voice, and/or words, and may publish, display, reproduce, copy and distribute your likeness, image, name, voice, and/or words for promotional, educational, or membership activities worldwide in all forms of media now known or later developed, including but not limited to advertising, training, websites, presentations and marketing materials. You further acknowledge that the NLN and/or third parties authorized by the NLN shall have the right, but not the obligation, to identify you in connection with such media by name and/or affiliation.