NLN Receives New Grant From the Laerdal Medical

Three-Year Faculty Development Grant Funds Project to Prepare Educators to Implement and Evaluate Simulations in Nursing Programs


New York, NY — April 20, 2007 — The development of a community of nurse educators who use simulation to promote and evaluate student learning is the focus of a new three-year National League for Nursing project funded by Laerdal Medical.

The project will facilitate the creation of a virtual Simulation Innovation and Resource Center (SIRC) accessible to nurse educators who can learn how to design and integrate effective simulations into their curricula. "This latest collaboration with Laerdal Medical, helping nurse educators develop expertise in simulation education methodologies, is a valuable contribution to our faculty development efforts," said NLN CEO Dr. Beverly Malone.

Nine experts in nursing education and simulation have been selected to develop innovative web-based modules that deliver content through video clips of simulation scenarios and interactive activities. While the main criteria for selection was expertise in simulation, also considered were geographic location, the size of the institution and nursing program, and the types of programs offered at the institution. The final team represents varying types of programs so that the project will address a broad range of nursing education needs related to development and implementation of simulation as a teaching, learning, and evaluation tool. Eight individuals from other countries (Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Japan, Norway, and Scotland) will also be involved in the project.

A key to the success of the SIRC will be the opportunity it provides educators to engage in dialogue with experts and peers on such topics as curriculum integration, tips for creating and implementing simulations, and conducting nursing education research. Another element of the web-based resource center will be a comprehensive bibliography of articles related to simulations.

Pamela R. Jeffries, DNS, RN, FAAN, project director for an earlier NLN-Laerdal study involving simulation is the director for the new project; Marcella T. Hovancsek, MSN, RN, serves as assistant project director. Dr. Mary Anne Rizzolo, senior director of professional development at the NLN, will provide oversight.

For more information and interview opportunities please contact NLN chief communications officer Karen R. Klestzick at 212-812-0376,

Dedicated to excellence in nursing, the National League for Nursing is the premier organization for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education offering faculty development, networking opportunities, testing and assessment, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives to its 20,000 individual and 1100 institutional members.