Back by Popular Demand: Nursing Education Capacity Summit

NLN CEO Beverly Malone Again Featured Keynote Speaker at Expanded Conference as State-Teams Share Evidence-Based Best Practices, Research, and Strategies

Hosted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Department of Labor, the Center to Champion Nursing in America at AARP, Department of Health and Human Services/HRSA


New York, NY — January 30, 2009 — How to expand nursing education capacity — including better recruitment and retention of faculty, leveraging legislative policy, and increasing financial and clinical resources and physical space — to enroll and educate a larger and more diverse student body to meet future demand for nurses will be addressed at the second national Nursing Education Capacity Summit on February 4-5 in Baltimore. The gathering has again been organized by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; the US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration; the Center to Champion Nursing in America at AARP; and the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration.

As the CEO of the NLN, the association that represents nurse faculty from all types of nursing education programs, Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN, will again headline the speakers roster of thought leaders and a program facilitating sharing of information and strategies among five-member teams from at least 37 states and territories nationwide. The forum will build on lessons learned since the inaugural Education Capacity Summit last June in Arlington, VA; the 18 state teams that participated last year will serve as mentors to first-time registrants. Also included on the agenda are opportunities for state teams to meet with experts in nursing education as they seek to build their own effective strategies for maximizing enrollment in their programs and for creating more diverse and inclusive communities.

Among the content areas this conference will explore are:

  • Faculty Development & Diversity
  • Education Redesign
  • State Policy and Regulation
  • Strategic Partnerships and Resource Alignment
  • Funding Resources & Grant Writing
  • Tracking Nursing Enrollment

In her keynote address, "The Future of Nursing: Leadership, Vision, and Power," Dr. Malone will examine current challenges and offer her inspiring prescription for overcoming them. "The future is invent-able, not inevitable," she says. "It will require transformative leadership that creates vision propelled by action; is motivated by passion, integrity, and caring; and puts a premium on mastery of skills that include cutting-edge technological solutions."

For interview opportunities with Dr. Malone, please contact NLN media consultant Jane Rosen at 201-670-8632;

Dedicated to excellence in nursing, the National League for Nursing is the premier organization for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education, offering faculty development, networking opportunities, testing and assessment, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives to its 28,000 individual and 1,200 institutional members who represent all types of nursing education programs.