NLN Research in Nursing Education Grants and Doctoral Dissertation Awards Programs Accepting Proposals for 2014 Awards Cycle

February 20 Deadline for Applicants Seeking Support for Projects that Meet NLN Research Priorities


Washington, DC, December 23, 2013 — In its quest to support rigorous, high-quality studies that contribute to the development of the science of nursing education, the National League for Nursing has put out its annual call for proposals. The NLNs Research in Nursing Education Grants Program, which began more than a decade ago with $12,000 to distribute among deserving nurse faculty-scholars, today awards more than $80,000 annually, with funding from the NLN and the NLN Foundation for Nursing Education.

In addition to three named research grants - the Nancy Langston/Ruth Corcoran, Joyce Griffin-Sobel, and Dorothy Otto Research Awards - two awards are made specifically to doctoral/DNP candidates: the Mary Anne Rizzolo NLN Dissertation/DNP Project Award and the Midwest Nursing Research Society/NLN Dissertation/DNP Project Award. All grantees must be NLN members or a member of the faculty at an NLN-affiliated school or university.

To be eligible for support, grant proposals must meet at least one of the NLNs research priorities for 2012-15, outlined in a document approved by the NLN Board of Governors. With a particular emphasis on transforming nursing education for the contemporary health care environment, these priorities fall within three broad categories:

    1. Leading Reform in Nursing Education
    2. Advancing the Science of Nursing Education
    3. Developing National and International Leaders in Nursing Education.

Awards will favor multi-site, multi-method projects that involve partnerships between practice and academic learning environments.

The deadline to submit applications is February 20, 2014. All relevant details can be found here.

Editors and reporters: For interview opportunities, please contact NLN chief communications officer, Karen R. Klestzick at 202-909-2483 or

Dedicated to excellence in nursing, the National League for Nursing is the premier organization for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education. The NLN offers professional development, networking opportunities, testing services, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives to its 39,000 individual and 1,200 institutional members. NLN members represent nursing education programs across the spectrum of higher education, and health care organizations and agencies.