Galen College of Nursing Renews Support for NLN Leadership Institute

September 15, 2017

For Immediate Release Program Contact: Janice Brewington


Washington, DC, September 15, 2017 - The National League for Nursing received a generous sponsorship from Galen College of Nursing to support the 2017 NLN Leadership Institute, the League has announced. The multi-campus and online academic nursing program, based in Louisville, Kentucky made its donation through the NLN Center for Transformational Leadership, which designs and implements Leadership Institute programming. The current grant represents the college's renewed support for the Leadership Institute's three tracks in professional development:
  • LEAD focuses on nurses in both education and practice who have experienced rapid transition into leadership positions or aspire to lead
  • The Leadership Development for Simulation Educators features a curriculum uniquely devised for the experienced simulation nurse educator who wishes to assume a leadership role in simulation
  • Executive Leadership in Nursing Education and Practice is designed for executive leaders who have held their positions for more than five years and wish to be re-energized and reframe how they think about leadership and themselves as leaders.
Anne R. Bavier, PhD, RN, FAAN, NLN president and dean of the College of Nursing and Health Innovation at the University of Texas at Arlington observed: "Galen College has helped make possible the creation of new leadership case studies and facilitated the expansion of the individual and group coaching and webinar components of the Leadership Institute, since it began its support of the program in 2014." In expressing the League's appreciation, Dr. Bavier noted that Galen College joins Johnson & Johnson's Campaign for Nursing's Future as an ongoing supporter of the NLN Leadership Institute.

At the time Galen College made its initial grant, Mark A. Vogt, its president remarked: "We are passionate about the profession and committed to helping nurse educators evolve as leaders. Galen's support of the NLN Center for Transformational Leadership is an essential investment in the development of leadership resources that will help transform nurse educators. The impact of their development will have far reaching and long lasting effects. Galen values the opportunity to contribute to this important endeavor."

Added NLN CEO Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN: "Galen College is helping the NLN nurture the leaders in nursing education responsible for building a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the health of the nation and our global community. Their generosity is key to the success of the Leadership Institute and the NLN Center for Transformational Leadership."

LEAD and the Executive Leadership in Nursing Education and Practice programs are directed by NLN chief program officer, Dr. Janice Brewington, who also serves as director of the NLN Center for Transformational Leadership. Dr. Lynn Engelmann serves as the NLN consultant for the LEAD Program. Simulation educators work with experts Drs. Mary Anne Rizzolo and Sue Forneris, Excelsior deputy director, of the NLN Center for Innovation in Simulation and Technology.

2017 NLN Leadership Institute Participants:
>>Executive Leadership in Nursing Education and Practice
>> L EAD
>>Leadership Development for Simulation Educators

>Application information and more detail about the Leadership Institute

Dedicated to excellence in nursing, the National League for Nursing is the premier organization for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education. The NLN offers faculty development, networking opportunities, testing services, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives to its more than 40,000 individual and more than 1,200 institutional members, comprising nursing education programs across the spectrum of higher education and health care organizations.

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