Nursing Education Perspectives to Publish Special Themed Edition for 2018 Summit

September 9, 2018

For Immediate Release Contact: Jane Calem Rosen
Nursing Education Perspectives to Publish Special Themed Edition for 2018 Summit

September-October Issue Devoted to Research in Nursing Education Collaboration Among Doctoral-Prepared Nurse Faculty
Washington, DC, September 9, 2018 — How does collaboration occur in schools of nursing, and what is collaboration in an educational context? These are two questions that co-editors Barbara J. Patterson, PhD, RN, ANEF, and Celeste M. Alfes, DNP, RN, CNE, CHSE-A, sought to address in the September-October edition of Nursing Education Perspectives, the NLN's respected peer-reviewed scholarly journal. The issue will hit newsstands in time for the NLN’s 2018 Education Summit, September 12-14, in Chicago, where print copies will be available.

In their co-authored guest editorial, Dr. Patterson, also editor of NEP's Research Briefs section and distinguished scholar in the NLN/Chamberlain Center for the Advancement of the Science of Nursing Education, and Dr. Alfes, director of the Center for Nursing Education, Simulation, and Innovation at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University, first stake the claim for research collaboration as a critical means to achieve dual goals: to prepare the next generation of practitioners and to advance the science of nursing education. "To reach these goals, schools of nursing need to build the organizational infrastructure to facilitate and support collaboration among all faculty," they write, regardless of faculty path to doctoral preparation.

"The need for collaboration has never been greater as we experience a shift in the profile of nurse faculty, with increased numbers of doctor of nursing practice graduates," noted G. Rumay Alexander, EdD, RN, FAAN, the president of the NLN and professor and associate vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion/chief diversity officer at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. "This special themed edition of NEP presents a superb picture of studies that reflect a diversity of perspectives based on the differing experiences and intellectual outlooks of DNP and PhD-degreed educators."

"Collaboration is complex, requiring more energy and patience but lasting longer than work done alone. It has sustainability," remarked NLN CEO Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN. "Moreover, collaboration, as a vehicle for diversity, provides clarity, transparency of communication, and demonstrates a respect and valuing of what individuals bring to the table."

This special themed edition was inspired in part by the NLN Vision Statement, released in April, "Doctoral Faculty Collaboration in Nursing Education." That document calls for inclusivity among faculty and graduates with both practice and research doctorates, making a compelling argument for steering the dialogue away from what makes their courses of study unique to cultivating greater understanding of their similarities and shared experiences as graduate students pursuing terminal degrees and as doctoral-prepared nurse educators.

With that in mind, Drs. Patterson and Alfes have grouped the nine articles that comprise the journal's contents into three distinct clusters:
  • Analysis and implementation of strategies to facilitate collaboration and collegiality among DNP and PhD students
  • PhD-DNP collaborations offering educational strategies to enhance undergraduate and graduate student learning in course-specific settings
  • Faculty role preparation
In addition to copies available at the 2018 Education Summit, Nursing Education Perspectives may be found on the journal's open access website at, where the September-October edition will be posted later this summer.

Editors/Reporters: For interview opportunities, please contact NLN communications consultant Jane Calem Rosen at (201) 906-7339 or

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