Nation’s Leading Nursing Organizations Issue Urgent Appeal for Support for Ukraine’s Health Care Workers

Nation’s Leading Nursing Organizations Issue Urgent Appeal for Support for Ukraine’s Health Care Workers

Hospitals & Health Care Workers Under Threat by Russia’s Assault on Civilian Targets Add to Growing Humanitarian Crisis

Washington, DC — As Russia’s brutal, unprovoked military assault against Ukraine continues, the five-member Tri-Council for Nursing — American Association of Colleges of Nursing, American Nurses Association, American Organization for Nursing Leadership, National Council of State Boards of Nursing, and National League for Nursing — joins the International Council of Nurses, the International Rescue Committee and other national and international nursing, medical and emergency response organizations worldwide in solidarity with the health care communities in Ukraine and across the eastern European region.

Not surprisingly, Ukraine’s health care workers are on the front lines of the deepening crisis. Reports of subterranean, makeshift wards in Kyiv and elsewhere reflect the increasingly chaotic circumstances of people desperate for emergency medical attention and treatment of chronic conditions. With military and civilian fatalities and injuries mounting amidst street fighting in Ukraine’s cities and the wanton destruction of civilian enclaves like apartment complexes, schools and hospitals, the need for critical care and emergency response teams is certain to increase in the coming days.

As during the COVID-19 pandemic, health care professionals are once again called upon to make personal sacrifices, at grave risk to themselves and their families. Our Ukrainian colleagues remain steadfast in this latest test of fortitude, fulfilling their sworn oath as healers. But now, Ukrainian nurses, physicians, and other health care workers, as well as the facilities and resources required to provide safe, effective care are stretched to the breaking point.

We want them to know they are not isolated and alone, that humanity counts on their vital service in this dark time. We pledge to do whatever is within our collective power — including urging monetary and other material donations to assist the Ukrainian nursing workforce in providing urgently needed health care. The International Council of Nurses is collecting funds through its Humanitarian Fund to support nurses in the Ukraine and humanitarian efforts in the country.

We condemn in the strongest terms the violation of the Geneva Convention and international law that enshrines the protection of medical and health care workers. Safeguarding health care staff and facilities everywhere to maintain unfettered access to health care and the delivery of humanitarian assistance must remain a priority, over and above political interests and armed conflict anywhere.

The invasion of Ukraine has already taken the lives of so many of its citizens and displaced millions of others. We join the global community in working toward a speedy resolution to this deadly conflict, one that will facilitate the return of Ukrainian refugees to their homeland and restore Ukraine’s hope in a peaceful, prosperous, independent future among the family of nations.

To help provide food, medical care, and emergency assistance on the ground in Poland, where the majority of Ukrainian refugees have fled to date, donate to the International Committee of the Red Cross or the International Rescue Committee.


About the American Association of Colleges of Nursing

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is the voice for academic nursing representing more than 850 member schools of nursing at public and private institutions nationwide. AACN works to establish quality standards for nursing education; assists schools in implementing those standards; influences the nursing profession to improve health care; and promotes public support for professional nursing education, research, and practice. Learn more at

About the American Nurses Association

The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the premier organization representing the interests of the nation's 4.3 million registered nurses. ANA advances the profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting a safe and ethical work environment, bolstering the health and wellness of nurses, and advocating on health care issues that affect nurses and the public. ANA is at the forefront of improving the quality of health care for all. For more information, visit

About the American Organization for Nursing Leadership

As the national professional organization of more than 11,000 nurse leaders, the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) is the voice of nursing leadership. Our membership encompasses nurse leaders working in hospitals, health systems, academia and other care settings across the care continuum. Since 1967, the organization has led the field of nursing leadership through professional development, advocacy and research that advances nursing leadership practice and patient care. AONL is an affiliate of the American Hospital Association. For more information, visit

About the National Council of State Boards of Nursing

Empowering and supporting nursing regulators across the world in their mandate to protect the public, NCSBN is an independent, not-for-profit organization. As a global leader in regulatory excellence, NCSBN champions regulatory solutions to borderless health care delivery, agile regulatory systems and nurses practicing to the full scope of their education, experience and expertise. A world leader in test development and administration, NCSBN’s NCLEX® Exams are internationally recognized as the preeminent nursing examinations. NCSBN’s membership is comprised of the nursing regulatory bodies (NRBs) in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and four U.S. territories. There are three exam user members and 27 associate members that are either NRBs or empowered regulatory authorities from other countries or territories.  Learn more at

About the National League for Nursing

Dedicated to excellence in nursing, the National League for Nursing is the premier organization for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education. The NLN offers professional development, networking opportunities, testing services, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives to its nearly 45,000 individual and 1,100 institutional members, comprising nursing education programs across the spectrum of higher education and health care organizations. Learn more at


March 15, 2022


Michael Keaton, Deputy Chief Communications Officer