Hot Off the NLN Press: Two New Publications — Nursing Leaders Driving Health Equity & Teaching Tomorrow’s Nurses

Hot Off the NLN Press: Two New Publications — Nursing Leaders Driving Health Equity & Teaching Tomorrow’s Nurses

Meet the Editors at the 2024 NLN Education Summit in San Antonio, Texas

Washington, DC — The National League for Nursing announces new works of scholarship in advance of the annual NLN Education Summit with the release of two volumes by the NLN Press. They are now available for sale online in the NLN Bookstore. In the NLN Summit Exhibit Hall, Wolters Kluwer Health, the publisher of NLN Press publications, will provide attendees with the opportunity to meet and greet our innovative NLN Press editors.

Nursing Leaders Driving Health Equity: Tackling Social and Structural Determinants, co-edited by Drs. Sandra Davis of the National League for Nursing and Andrea Lindell of Walden University, presents a blueprint from contributors of the inaugural cohort of the NLN/Walden University College of Nursing Institute for Social Determinants of Health and Social Change for incorporating key concepts and educational strategies related to social and structural determinants of health (SSDH) into nursing education curricula, associated health care education, and clinical practice environments.

“The social and structural determinants of health have long been known to impact the state of public health, as well as individual physical and mental health and patient outcomes in and outside of a formal clinical environment,” said NLN Chair Patricia Sharpnack, DNP, RN, CNE, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN, Dean and Strawbridge Professor at the Breen School of Nursing and Health Professions at Ursuline College in Ohio. “Nursing education, though, has been historically unprepared to include them in standard undergraduate pre-licensure and graduate-level curriculum and instruction. Drs. Davis and Lindell have thankfully succeeded in addressing this unmet need with their thoughtful case-based and evidence-supported approach in a user-friendly, accessible style.”

Teaching Tomorrow’s Nurses: A Technology-Enhanced Approach, co-edited by Dr. Jennifer O’Rourke and Andrew Bobal, both NLN consultants, is packed with expert perspectives and provides a comprehensive toolkit to understand the why and how of using technology to engage and evaluate learners. The authors also aim to help readers sort through the confusing array of technology resources now available to select the right ones to effectively integrate into their own nursing education programs representing differing levels of instruction and diverse foci.

“This is the nurse educator’s essential field guide to optimal learning outcomes through technology in a world where technology’s role has grown increasingly prominent in classroom and clinical practice,” said NLN President and CEO Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN.

Order copies now in the NLN Bookstore. For more information about the NLN Education Summit, September 18-20, visit


About the National League for Nursing

Dedicated to excellence in nursing, the National League for Nursing is the premier organization for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education. The NLN offers professional development, networking opportunities, testing services, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives to its nearly 45,000 individual and 1,000 institutional members, comprising nursing education programs across the spectrum of higher education and health care organizations. Learn more at

September 4, 2024


Michael Keaton, Deputy Chief Communications Officer