Capitol Connection - April 5, 2016

April 5, 2016

April 27 is #NLNVoices Day on the Hill
Each spring the NLN Board of Governors visits Congress to discuss nursing’s priority issues. Wanting to spread the experience beyond the board, the NLN is encouraging its 40,000 members to participate virtually this year on Wednesday, April 27 at the 2016 #NLNVoices Day on the Hill. NLN members participating in the #NLNVoices Day on the Hill will be able to email, tweet, and post messages on Facebook to their Congressional delegation.

Below are more details on what the NLN will be requesting of Congressional members at the #NLNVoices Day on the Hill as well as how to join in the fun.

On April 27, ask Congress to:

US House of Representatives
  1. Support $244 million in FY 2017 for HRSA’s Title VIII programs.
  2. Cosponsor H.R. 2713, the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act.
  3. Visit your class/program/school.

United States Senate
  1. Support $244 million in FY 2017 for HRSA’s Title VIII programs.
  2. Confirm Dr. Mary Wakefield as deputy secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
  3. Visit your class/program/school.

Sign Up to Participate
To take part in #NLNVoices Day on the Hill, go to the NLN’s Advocacy Action Center, enter your contact information, and click the blue “Register” button. If you have responded to an NLN action alert in the past and clicked the “remember me” box at the bottom of the page, your contact information will already populate the information boxes. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with links to the #NLNVoices Day on the Hill . page and resources. As #NLNVoices Day on the Hill approaches, registrants will receive an email detailing specific actions to take anytime on April 27. Don’t delay, register today.


Social Media
The NLN will be tweeting during #NLNVoices Day on the Hill and our official hash tag will be #NLNVoices. You will easily be able to follow the conversation via Twubs—a twitter chat management tool that will allow you to view and contribute to the #NLNVoices conversation via a live feed. We encourage you to become a member of our #NLNVoices Twubs site at and be an active voice during the 2016 Day on the Hill.

Also, the NLN will be posting messages on Facebook using the #NLNVoices hash tag. #NLNVoices Day on the HillTweets and Facebook messages will be drafted for all participants to modify on April 27.

The NLN looks forward to joining with our members for the #NLNVoices Day on the Hill on April 27.

The next edition of the Capitol Connection will be published on May 3, 2016.

Join the NLN's online community.

National League for Nursing | The Voice for Nursing Education
2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20037 |

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