Dialogue Reflection on: High-Stakes Testing
Dialogue Reflection on: High-Stakes Testing Once again we are looking at what is wrong with the product that we are turning out of our educational facilities. In order to ensure our pass rates stay acceptable we are putting the burden on the student to perform in a testing format that is not controlled.I believe that we need to look at the basic educational structure of nursing and the resulting product. If the product is not acceptable to the employer then it is the teaching facilities and/or the curriculum that needs to be examined. How is it that nursing can think that they can CRAM all the knowledge, critical thinking, and basic procedures into a graduates head, have them be a safe, competent, beginning practitioner by going through an accelerated RN program in 12-14 months?!!!Could you have done this?We need not dumb down our education to make it work but do away with accelerated programs and focus on producing a better product. I am saddened that the NLN refuses to discuss making there one entry point for the professional RN - the BSN. And sorry that they refuse to discuss the ADN degreee as a technical position. When are we going to ever control our education and practice? Nursing tries to be a people pleaser giving everyone, but the patient, what they want from nursing. Patients and physicians would like to feel confident that the RN caring for them can critically think, perform procedures correctly and be fully functional upon graduation.The NLN has muddied the educational water even more by allowing the DNP while most of the public and physicians just want to know if the nurse they are talking to just has their RN. Please, I beg of you, make our educational system stream line with one entry point for the technical nurse and one for the professional nurse and concentrate on making both products a safe, WELL EDUCATED NOT FAST TRACKED PRODUCT, for all of our sakes! Reflection on: High-Stakes Testing My comments are specifically for questions 2) "What national standards would both help faculty in your school determine progression and graduation policies and provide legal protection for all parties involved?" Reflection on: High-Stakes Testing Hi and thanks to the Task Force for this important report. Where can we find a list of the contributors to this report? Will further versions of the report include other uses for the standardized testing tools (clinical focus, customized lesson plans, learning contracts, early warning, etc.)? Also, would like to hear more on how the standardized test protects the students from poorly written exams (ie. those with no validity or reliability). I know for many years, I lacked skills related to determining exam validity and reliability. It wasnt until I took many additional graduate level courses that this was incorporated into my educational practice. Standardized exams give students access to fairly developed assessments that are carefully analyzed by faculty all over the country (not just the faculty team at their school). Many faculty are writing tests with little or no training or mentoring (a veteran told me I need to figure it out on my own). Faculty are making progression decisions and curricular adjustments based on these self-developed exams. I look forward to what the committee found in this area as well.
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