Western Institute of Nursing/NLN Research Award

WIN Logo 2021

The Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) and the National League for Nursing (NLN) have identified a mutual interest in promoting research conducted by academic educators, academic clinical nurse educators, or doctoral nursing students and have agreed to offer this joint award focused on the following goals:

• Collaborate to increase the quality and quantity of research focusing on nursing education,
• Collaborate to advance the science of nursing education, and
• Increase awareness of support from both WIN and NLN for academic nursing education research.


    This is an annual award of $5000 to one recipient to support completion of proposed research study or doctoral dissertation work. Funds for this award are provided by WIN and the NLN. The recipient also receives a one-year membership from the NLN, if not already a member.


    • Applicants for this award  must be a current member of WIN (student or regular) and must hold a master's or doctoral degree or be enrolled in a research-focused doctoral nursing program in the western region. 
    • Applicants must provide evidence that the proposed research study has been approved by their doctoral committee or scholarly project committee AND/OR that IRB/REC approval has been obtained, where applicable. Funds will not be distributed by until IRB/REC approval is provided.
    • Proposed studies must be clearly focused on academic nursing education research and must relate to one or more of the NLN Research Priorities in Nursing Education 2024-2027.

    Proposal Guidelines

    • A complete proposal includes a Blind Review File (all identifying information of individual applicant removed) and a Budget (see form below)
    • The proposal must be submitted electronically by a specified deadline. Incomplete proposals or proposals submitted after this time will not be accepted for review
    • Applications must adhere to requirements for format, content, length limitations, and necessary supporting materials as outlined in the NLN Research Award Submission Guidelines (PDF)
    • Upon completion of the funded study, grantees are expected to submit either an abstract for presentation at the NLN Summit or a two-page summary focused on outcomes of the research.

    Components of the Blind Review File

    1. Title page with applicant's name and affiliation removed.
    2. Proposal narrative (15 page limit, double spaced, includes abstract) with all identifying information of applicant removed as outlined in the NLN Research Award Submission Guidelines (PDF)
    3. References cited (are not part of the 15-page limit) - must be presented using the most current APA citation style
    4. Appendices without identifying information (are not part of the 15-page limit) - DO NOT include random attachments, your proposal should reference items included. Examples may include: theoretical framework, data tables, survey questionnaires, project timelines, sample curriculum materials, or any other information that supports your proposal but might be too extensive for the narrative.  
    5. The components of the Blind Review File must be submitted in one PDF file via the online submission system. (visit this Microsoft Support page for help to save/convert files to PDF).
      Additional Supporting Documents (uploaded separately from blind review file)

      Supporting documents are uploaded separately from the Blind Review File and can retain identifying information of individual applicant.  These may include the following:

      • Documentation that IRB approval has been requested and/or obtained. 
      • Letters of Support/Consultant Letters of Commitment/Partnership Agreements/Resumes or Brief Bios.
      • If applying as doctoral student, applicants MUST include documentation of successful completion of proposal defense. 

      Budget (uploaded separately from blind review file)

      The budget is not part of the 15-page body of the proposal.  You must use the Research Grant Budget Template and Modification Form (XLSX) (be sure to enable pop-ups in browser to download).  There will be a place to upload this document separately in the application system.  Review the NLN Research Award Submission Guidelines (PDF) for allowable and non-allowable expenses. Allowable maximum grant is $5,000.

      Note: The NLN research grants are intended to promote and support the development of evidence for nursing education, and not to endorse specific products and/or services. The NLN will not consider grant applications that have the effect of verifying the effectiveness of specific products or to promote specific products.

      How to Submit

      Proposals for the 2025 cycle will be accepted October 7, 2024, through February 4, 2025Click on Submit Proposal Button below to start an application. 


      Please note: Submissions are accepted online only. You must have a SurveyMonkey Apply account to submit an application. Your NLN Member login is NOT valid. If you used the previous system, FluidReview, to make a submission, your username and password will remain the same; otherwise you will need to create an account.

      Review Process:

      The NLN Nursing Education Research Grants review process is used. All proposals are submitted for blind review by carefully selected experts in nursing education research. The submitted Blind Review File is the file that is reviewed by these experts.  Recipients are selected through a peer review process using the following NLN Grant Proposal Review Rubric (PDF). 

      Letters of notification are sent to grant applicants no later than July 1st of each cycle.

      Grant recipients are formally announced at the NLN Education Summit each fall. Awardees are encouraged to attend.

      For questions about the submission or review process, please contact research@nln.org or search the FAQs (PDF).