Coaching for Nurse Educators webinar
This webinar was recorded on October 1, 2020. The conversation focused on exploring the concept of coaching and how it can help to develop strategies, promote reflective thinking skills with learners, apply theory to practice, and provide context for understanding student and novice nurse challenges. Good coaching skills include knowing what to ask and how to ask it and fostering a safe and effective learning environment. Coaching has the potential to be more successful when done consistently and according to a defined plan. Join our faculty experts as they share how educators can integrate coaching strategies and increase their skills in teaching students and novice nurses.
Sabrina Beroz, DNP, RN, CHSE-A, ANEF
Teri Boese, DNP, RN
Teresa Britt, MSN, RN, CHSE
Sandra Caballero MSN, RN, CHSE
Mary Cato, EdD, RN
Dawn E. Ferry APRN, CNP, CHSE
Jenny O'Rourke, PhD, APN-BC, CHSE