Scholarly Writing Retreat: An NLN Mentoring Program
NLN Scholarly Writing Program
The NLN | Chamberlain University College of Nursing Center for the Advancement of the Science of Nursing Education is pleased to continue the NLN Scholarly Writing Program, now in its seventeenth year, by offering the following program dates in 2025.
The NLN Scholarly Writing Retreat is designed to help nurse educators enhance their writing skills and disseminate research findings and other work in scholarly publications. Nurse clinicians or administrators who are not faculty are also
eligible to apply.
Applicants must:
- Have completed a recent research study or innovative project
- This can be research from doctoral study (ie, dissertation) or another project
- The project/study should be complete prior to the Scholarly Writing Retreat
- Agree to work with the program facilitator to select an appropriate journal for the proposed manuscript
- Commit to the program schedule and activities of the Scholarly Writing Retreat
- Have a goal to complete the manuscript and submit it to the selected journal within the timeframe of the Scholarly Writing Retreat
This is my first publication, and I will be forever grateful for the work and knowledge bestowed upon me.
- Former Scholarly Writing Retreat Participant
2025 Program Dates

Weekend Retreat: Friday, July 18 at 3 pm through Sunday, July 20 at noon (there will also be a “Getting Started with your Writing and Manuscript” zoom session on Saturday, June 14 from 12 - 2 pm Eastern).
Location: NLN Headquarters, Washington, DC
Facilitator: Marilyn H Oermann, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN
Application Deadline: Friday, May 16, 2025 (11:59 pm Eastern)
Applicants Notified By: Friday, May 23, 2025
Program Fee: $1,500 Members; $2,000 Non-Members* (due after acceptance notifications; credit card or check)
*Become a member today for instant savings on program tuition
Deadline to confirm participation and remit fee: Friday, June 6, 2025

Weekend Retreat:
Facilitator: Leslie H. Nicoll, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN
Application Deadline:
Applicants Notified By:
Program Fee:
*Become a member today for instant savings on program tuition
Deadline to confirm participation and remit fee:
Deadline to submit manuscript to selected journal:
Program Description
Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Thelma M. Ingles Professor of Nursing at Duke University, is editor-in-chief of Nurse Educator and Journal of Nursing Care Quality. She is author or co-author of more than 130 peer-reviewed articles and 15 books, including Writing for Publication in Nursing (published by Springer). In 2017, Dr. Oermann was honored by the International Academy of Nursing Editors as recipient of the Margaret Comerford Freda Award for Editorial Leadership in Nursing Publication. She has facilitated the Scholarly Writing Retreat since 2008.
Leslie H. Nicoll, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, is the President and Owner of Maine Desk LLC, a business focused on writing consultation and publication success. Dr. Nicoll is the Editor-in-Chief of CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing and Nurse Author & Editor. She is the author or co-author of more than 150 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and 7 books, including The Editor’s Handbook (2019) and Writing in the Digital Age: Savvy Publishing for Healthcare Professionals (2015). In 2014, Dr. Nicoll was honored by the International Academy of Nursing Editors as recipient of the Margaret Comerford Freda Award for Editorial Leadership in Nursing Publication. She has facilitated the Scholarly Writing Retreat since 2011.
Dr. Oermann and Dr. Nicoll will be joined by Leslie Block, managing editor of Nursing Education Perspectives, the NLN's research journal. Ms. Block was previously the managing editor of Nursing Research and senior editor of MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing.
Competencies and CEUs
Participants will be eligible to earn 1.2 CEUs after completing an online, post-retreat evaluation.
This program addresses the following Core Competencies for Nurse Educators©:
Competency 6:
Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator Role
Competency 7:
Engage in Scholarship
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
Applicants must have recently completed a research project or literature review or have another topic appropriate for development into a manuscript and must submit a completed application form. The application form includes the purpose, target audience, key data that will be evidenced, and the Core Competencies of Nurse Educators that will be addressed, along with a personal statement describing the applicant's interest in participating in this retreat and greatest challenge with regard to scholarly writing.
The NLN is actively seeking ways to advance our diversity goal. Applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds and/or papers that address diversity in nursing education in some manner are encouraged.
Once Accepted
Upon notification of acceptance, participants will be asked to sign an agreement indicating an understanding of their responsibilities and commitment to the program. Participants will also receive a copy of the most current version of Manuscript Success, by Dr. Nicoll or Writing for Publication in Nursing by Dr. Oermann.
All participants will be provided with consultation, writing guidance and support from the faculty starting at acceptance through manuscript submission. With the understanding that most manuscripts submitted for publication require revision prior to acceptance, the faculty will work on revisions with participants for a period of time not to exceed one year.
More Details - In-Person Weekend Retreat at NLN Headquarters
***travel and hotel expenses not included in tuition fee; light meals and snacks will be provided; dinner not provided***
- Day 1: Friday, July 18, 3 - 6 pm eastern
- Welcome to group, introduction of all participants and faculty.
- Selection by each participant of a writing partner and review of writing partner’s introduction.
- Work on drafts with individual review by Dr. Oermann and Ms. Block.
- End with group check-in.
- Day 2: Saturday, July 19, 8am - 6 pm eastern (breakfast available at 8:00am and lunch provided from noon - 1 pm)
- Start with group check-in: issues with manuscripts, writing blocks, other problems with writing for publication.
- Morning work on drafts: individual consultations with Dr. Oermann and Ms. Block.
- Afternoon work on drafts: individual consultations with Dr. Oermann and Ms. Block. Peer review of section of draft.
- Review of next steps regarding finishing manuscript and submission.
- End with group check-in on status of papers.
- Day 3: Sunday, July 20, 8am - 12 noon eastern (breakfast available at 8:00 am)
- Start with group check-in: finishing up draft and submitting to journal.
- Work on finishing manuscripts
- Final group check-in: next steps
- Adjourn with goal to submit to selected journal by September 1, 2025
Includes introductory session: Saturday, June 14, 12 -2 pm eastern, Writing for Publication presentation and group discussion (virtual)
***A hybrid option may be available for accepted candidates who cannot otherwise take part in person. To benefit from the program, participants are expected to complete all steps required, as outlined in the participant agreement, prior to the retreat and be present during all group sessions***
More Details: Virtual Sessions via Teams/Zoom Platforms
Submitting an Application (online system - SurveyMonkey Apply):
Please note: Submissions are accepted online only. You must have a SurveyMonkey Apply account to submit an application.