Use of health information technology to augment/support the nursing care process – includes concepts such as safety, care improvement, decision assistance/support, outcome analysis, and data analysis.


What is nursing informatics?

HIMSS Intro to Nursing Informatics

Nursing Informatics History Project Interviews with NI Pioneers
[Includes four Use cases of how to use this History Interviews in courses]

Roles and Job Descriptions

Clinical Informatics Wiki

Patient Safety & Quality

Patient Safety & Quality Health Care: Digital Archives (contains many articles on information technologies that support patient safety and quality)

Here are two examples:
Medication Safety Technologies: What works and what does not (Interviews with experts in the topic)

State of the Art: Diagnostic Clinical Decision Support Editorial Barry Chaiken

Improving Patient Safety through Information Technology
C. Andrew Brown, MD, MPH; Jessica H. Bailey, PhD; Margaret E. Miller Davis, MD; Paula Garrett, PhD; and William J. Rudman, PhD

The Role of Clinical Informatics in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Efforts to Improve Patient Safety
Eduardo Ortiz, M.D., M.P.H., Gregg Meyer, M.D., M.Sc., Helen Burstin, M.D., M.P.H

Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses.
(AHRQ Publication No. 08-0043). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

47. Patient Safety and Health Information Technology: Role of the Electronic Health Record. (Nancy Staggers, Charlene Weir, and Shobha Phansalkar)
48. Patient Safety, Telenursing, and Telehealth (Loretta Schlachta-Fairchild, Victoria Elfrink, and Andrea Deickman)
49. Documentation and the Nurse Care Planning Process (Gail Keenan, Elizabeth Yakel, Dana Tschannen, P and Mary Mandeville)
50. Patient Care Technology and Safety. (G. Powell-Cope, A. Nelson, ES Patterson)

Health IT for Children Toolbox
The toolbox is a resource meant to serve those within the children's health community who seek to integrate information technology into promoting pediatric health and well-being. Resources compiled for this toolbox include information from non-profit organizations, Government agencies, academic research, and various organizations in the private sector. This resource is designed for a diverse set of stakeholders, including State and Federal policy makers, providers, insurers, teachers and families and other caregivers.

[Click on Health IT Tools-Left Menu side]

Computerized Provider Order Entry
Clinical application that allows clinicians to order and process lab tests, medications, clinical procedures, and other services electronically...

Health Information Exchange
Health Information Exchange (HIE) enables clinical staff to access more information about a patient when it is needed...

Electronic Prescribing
The use of computing devices to enter, modify, review, and output or communicate drug prescriptions...

Electronic Medical Record Systems

A basic component of an health IT system, electronic medical record systems have the potential to provide substantial benefits...

Geographic disparities in access to care can be addressed partially using technologies that allow for remote audio, visual, and haptic communication between caregivers and specialists or patients...

Clinical Decision Support
Given the exponential growth in our knowledge of medicine it is impossible for any clinician to know everything he or she needs to know...

Clinical Decision Support

Berner ES. Clinical decision support systems: State of the Art. AHRQ Publication No.
09-0069-EF. Rockville, Maryland: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. June 2009. Available at:

Health Information Technology government Site [Click on Health IT Tools]

California Health Care Foundation—Telehealth


Includes electronic health records, personal health records, standardized languages and terminology.

Electronic Health Record


EHR Adoption

Project Management

Success Stories

Tools for EHR professionals

AHRQ Health IT Tools
http:// [Click on Health IT Tools-Left Menu side]

Pediatric Rules and Reminders
This tool provides pediatricians and other clinicians with the information needed to develop and implement specific rules and reminders into an EHR system for pediatric patients. These rules and reminders are designed to help providers who use EHRs improve adherence to clinical guidelines.

Pediatric Documentation Templates
This tool provides ambulatory clinicians with a series of templates for acute and chronic pediatric conditions that can also be implemented into an EHR system. These templates are based on national guidelines and can be used to electronically document visits.

Personal Health Record Tools

Microsoft HealthVault

Google Health

Mayo Clinic’s Health Manager

Electronic Health Records Software

Tools to use with your students:

Cerner Academic Education Solutions



neehr Perfect

Companies that sell EHR







Nursing Classifications systems, terminologies & nomenclature

Podcast Interview with Dr. Virginia Saba creator of the Clinical Care Classification System

Standards for Nursing Terminology
Nicholas R. Hardiker, RN, MSc, Derek Hoy, RN, MSc, and Anne Casey, RN, MSc. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2000 Nov–Dec; 7(6): 523–528. PMCID: PMC129660

Nursing Terminologies Judith Ozbolt 2003
International Classification of Nursing Practice System

ANA Recognized Terminologies and Data Elements Sets

Standardized Nursing Terminology and Communication Protocols Lead to Increased Use of Patients' Plan of Care

Glossary for Standardized Terminologies

Toward a standardized nursing terminologies: Next Steps Barbara Kripps CARING Newsletter

Integration of a reference terminology model in nursing

Consolidated Health Informatics Initiative Final Recommendation


Various clinical systems represent and communicate data in different ways, so standards are necessary to ensure interoperability...

Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel
An effort initiated by HHS to advance the goals of interoperability and privacy/security of health information by fostering dialogue between the various health care information standards organizations...

Interface Engines
Sharing clinical data necessitates the translation of one data format into another so that disparate systems can talk to each other...

A messaging standard for exchanging clinical and administrative data between health information systems...

A comprehensive coding standard used often to represent clinical concepts in electronic medical records (EMRs)...

A widely accepted coding standard for results, such as laboratory tests or vital signs, for clinical care, outcomes management, and research...

Classification system used for reporting drugs and biological products in pharmacy transactions, prescription drug claims processing, and clinical information systems...


A messaging standard for exchanging medical images between medical equipment and information systems...

The standard used in electronic prescribing and pharmacy benefits/claims transactions...
A standard vocabulary used to describe procedures performed by medical professionals...

Lundberg, C., Warren, J.., Brokel, J., Bulechek, G., Butcher, H., McCloskey Dochterman, J., Johnson, M., Mass, M., Martin, K., Moorhead, S., Spisla, C., Swanson, E., & Giarrizzo-Wilson, S. (June, 2008). Selecting a Standardized Terminology for the Electronic Health Record that Reveals the Impact of Nursing on Patient Care. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 12, (2). Available at

Saxion, E. (October, 2006). Interview: Multidisciplinary Terminology: Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC). Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 10, (3) [Online]. Available at

Hepler, A. (October, 2006). Interview: Data Element Set: Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS). Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 10, (3) [Online]. Available at

Elawar, S. (October, 2006). Interview: Multidisciplinary Terminology: Alternative Billing Codes (ABC). Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 10, (3) [Online]. Available at

Ryan, S. (October, 2006). Interview: Multidisciplinary Terminology: The International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP). Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 10, (3) [Online]. Available at

Connolly, P., Mao, CL., Yoder, M. & Canham, D. (October, 2006). Evaluation of the Omaha System in an Academic Nurse Managed Center. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 10, (3) [Online]. Available at

Matney, S., (February 2005). Update on Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC) . Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI). Vol. 9, No. 1. [Online]. Available at

Issues – includes legal, ethical, social, security, advocacy, and public policy.

We need privacy now. Barry Chaikan

The Health Information Privacy and Security Collaboration (HISPC) Toolkit
This toolkit provides guidance for conducting organization-level assessments of business practices, policies, and State laws that govern the privacy and security of health information exchange (HIE).

Health Information Exchange Policy Issues
Newly released set of tools to assist communities that participate in health information exchange. Provides guidance on contractual, policy, and technical issues.

Architecture of Health IT

The field of health information technology involves many technologies, and each one comes with an acronym...

Health Information Technology government Site

Meaningful Use

The focus on meaningful use is a recognition that better health care does not come solely from the adoption of technology itself but through the exchange and use of health information to best inform clinical decisions at the point of care.

Health Information Technology government Site [Click on Privacy and Security]

Health Information Technology government Site [Click on Standards & Certification]

Health Information Technology government Site [Click on Federal Advisory Committees]

Health Information Technology government Site {Click on Resources and then Fact Sheets]

Privacy and Security Framework-US Department of Health & Human Services

Patient Privacy in the era of health information technology: Overview of Issues

Privacy and Health Information Technology

Health Information Technology—Consumer Principles Privacy

California Health Care Foundation Health Privacy

Baur, C & Kanaan, S. (June 2006). Expanding the Reach and Impact of Consumer e-Health Tools: Executive Summary and Chapter 1: Introduction. Washington DC: US Department of Health and Human Services. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Health Communication Activities. Available at:

Nursing involvement through teamwork/collaboration

Covers the nurses role in determining usability, workflow analysis, and systems selection/evaluation.

HRSA Electronic Health Record Selection Guidelines
Electronic Health Records: Selection Guidelines for Health Centers December 2008 version

AHRQ Health IT Tools
http:// [Click on Health IT Tools-Left Menu side]

Health IT Evaluation Toolkit
This toolkit provides guidance on how to evaluate health IT. Example measures relevant to quality, safety and efficiency are provided along with suggested data sources and the relative costs to collect the measures.

Health IT Costs & Benefits Database Project
This searchable database contains the results of a literature search on the relative costs and benefits of health IT. Article outcomes are summarized for those who do not have access to some journals or articles.

Health IT Survey Compendium
This searchable resource contains a set of publicly available surveys to assist organizations in evaluating health IT. The surveys in the compendium cover a broad spectrum, including user satisfaction, usability, technology use, product functionality, and the impact of health IT on safety, quality, and efficiency.

Health IT Adoption Toolbox
The toolbox contains a range of resources relevant to the various stages of considering, planning, executing, and evaluating the implementation of health IT. The resources have been compiled from a number of public initiatives as well as resources explicitly created by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The toolbox is designed to meet the needs of a broad range of providers.

Time and Motion Database
This tool enables organizations to measure the impact of health IT systems on clinical workflow through the collection of time-motion study data.

HIE Evaluation Toolkit
This toolkit provides guidance on how to evaluate health information exchange (HIE). Example measures are provided along with suggested data sources and the relative costs to collect those measures.

Rural Health IT Adoption Toolbox
The Rural Health IT Adoption Toolbox is a resource created to address the needs of rural providers in the planning and implementation of health information technology. Resources compiled for this toolbox include information from both public and private sector entities, including Government agencies, academic institutions, and research organizations. This toolbox is designed for rural health providers, but is intended to inform State and Federal policy makers, insurers, and other interested stakeholders regarding the special considerations for health IT adoption in rural settings.

Health IT Evaluation Measures: Quick Reference Guides
Each guide includes a brief description of the measure, summary of current literature on the measure, measurement methodology, and study design and analysis considerations. The guides provide a starting point for evaluators in the development of an evaluation plan for a given measure.

California Health Care Foundation--Health IT

Across all categories


Informatics Courses at New York City College of Technology, The City University of New York

Indiana University of South Bend

Health IT Bibliography
The Health IT Bibliography puts expert-selected knowledge resources on health IT at the fingertips of those seeking to better understand how health IT can transform everyday care by improving its quality, safety, efficiency and effectiveness.

Linda Thede and Jeanne Sewall Informatics Nursing Book Pages