Use of NLN Surveys and Research Instruments
The NLN's copyrighted surveys and research instruments are an important part of its research activities.
Permission for non-commercial use of surveys and research instruments (includes, theses, dissertations, and DNP projects) is granted free of charge. Available instruments may be downloaded and used by individual researchers for non-commercial use only with the retention of the NLN copyright statement. The researcher does not need to contact the NLN for specific permission. In granting permission for non-commercial use, it is understood that the following caveats will be respected by the researcher:
- It is the sole responsibility of the researcher to determine whether the NLN research instrument is appropriate to her or his particular study.
- Modifications to a survey/instrument may affect the reliability and/or validity of results. Any modifications made to a survey/instrument are the sole responsibility of the researcher.
- When published or printed, any research findings produced using an NLN survey/instrument must be properly cited. If the content of the NLN survey/instrument was modified in any way, this must also be clearly indicated in the text, footnotes and endnotes of all materials where findings are published or printed.
Permission for commercial use of NLN surveys and research instruments must be obtained from the NLN. Commercial use includes publishing in journals, books, or inclusion in any product that is sold. Please submit a written request to In most instances, requests for permission are reviewed within four weeks of their receipt.