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How to use Technology and Active Learning for Successful Nursing Education

Jun 8, 2017, 00:00 AM
This one-and-a-half day interactive workshop will focus on developing solid active learning strategies in two challenging areas: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning and Moving off the lecture platform. Learn more about this course »
Title : How to use Technology and Active Learning for Successful Nursing Education

Preparing students for practice demands that academic and practice-based educators use transformative strategies to develop clinical reasoning skills. Good teaching leads the learner to know the content; great teaching guides the learner to use the content.

This one-and-a-half day interactive workshop will focus on developing solid active learning strategies in two challenging areas: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning and Moving off the lecture platform.

Monday, June 19 -  1:00-5:00PM
Tuesday, June 20 -  8:00-5:00PM

Click here for more information and registration. 

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