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Iowa League for Nursing offers a free Workshop on Test Item Writing and Analysis

Oct 14, 2015, 00:00 AM
The Iowa Department of Education’s Health Science Program Management Committee and The Iowa League for Nursing is excited to co-sponsor a workshop on Test Item Writing and Analysis for Student Success. This workshop is open to all Health Educators at Secondary schools, Community Colleges and Four-Year Colleges.
Test Item Writing and Analysis for Student Success
Title : Iowa League for Nursing offers a free Workshop on Test Item Writing and Analysis

Health Science Educator Workshop

Co-sponsored by the Iowa League for Nursing

Test Item Writing and Analysis for Student Success

Workshop Leader: Karin J. Sherrill RN MSN, CNE, CHSE, ANEF
Maricopa Community Colleges, Phoenix, Arizona

Friday, November 13

DMACC, Boone Campus Auditorium, 1125 Hancock Drive, Boone, IA 50036

9:00 AM to 4:15 PM

Cost:  No Registration Fee – Participants will cover their own travel and lunch, CEUs for a small additional fee


Do you cringe when you have to give a test?  How do you identify what content is important to test? How do you construct questions that evaluate a student’s critical knowledge and skills? How do you determine if your items or exam are fair? This hands-on workshop will provide practical, usable information to get you started on test construction, item writing and exam analysis.

The Iowa Department of Education’s Health Science Program Management Committee and The Iowa League for Nursing is excited to co-sponsor a workshop on Test Item Writing and Analysis for Student Success.  This workshop is open to all Health Educators at Secondary schools, Community Colleges and Four-Year Colleges.  The workshop is limited to the first 230 people signing up.  Des Moines Area Community College will provide CEUs for $12.50; information regarding those CEUs will be sent in a separate e-mail to all who have registered. 

If you plan on attending, please complete the information below and return to:

Pat Thieben
Administrative Consultant
Iowa Department of Education
400 E. 14th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319


E-mail to



E-Mail Address__________________________________________

District Phone Number_________       Cell Phone Number__________

Please visit Test Item Writing and Analysis for Student Success for more information.
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