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Learning to Use Debriefing with Good Judgment (CMS/NLN)

Jul 19, 2017, 00:00 AM
The Gateway Debriefing Skills Workshop begins with a kick-off synchronous webinar, continues with some asynchronous online modules, and concludes with the 1 day in-person workshop.
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Title : Learning to Use Debriefing with Good Judgment (CMS/NLN)

Facilitator: Mary Fey, PhD, RN, CHSE

This highly interactive course will leverage the best of online learning with in-person immersive learning. Utilizing deliberate practice, participants are given multiple opportunities to practice debriefing skills and receive feedback from expert simulation educators. Small groups of learners will work with co-facilitators to hone their ability to apply the foundational skills of debriefing with good judgment: improving future performance; holding learners to high standards while holding them in high esteem; treating learners as thinkers, not just doers; structuring a three-phase debriefing.

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