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PN Nursing Education Intensive

Jul 30, 2015, 00:00 AM
This two-day workshop will review an approach to ongoing and systematic assessment and evaluation of a PN nursing program using the NLN outcomes and competencies as a guide.
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Title : PN Nursing Education Intensive

This two-day workshop will review an approach to ongoing and systematic assessment and evaluation of a PN nursing program using the NLN outcomes and competencies as a guide.  Workshop participants will engage with experts to explore the process of using data to inform decisions regarding program integrity and educational achievements.  The workshop will also include hands on mentoring to apply individual program outcomes to the suggested systematic evaluation plan.  Participants will leave the workshop with a beginning framework to evaluate program effectiveness, select workforce aligned learning experiences, and lead this change effectively. It is suggested that teams of faculty from PN programs attend the workshop together to build common understanding of quality indicators for successful program outcomes.

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