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WEBINAR: Introduction to NLN Public Policy and Advocacy

Nov 3, 2015, 00:00 AM
This webinar will provide attendees with an overview of the NLN’s public policy and advocacy program, NLN resources, pressing issues before Congress, and what nurse educators can do to engage as informed advocates and support NLN’s public policy priorities.
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Title : WEBINAR: Introduction to NLN Public Policy and Advocacy
Each and every day, legislators address major policies impacting health care and nursing.  Join the NLN for a webinar that outlines the League’s public policy priorities and the important role of the nurse educator in public policy. This webinar will provide attendees with an overview of the NLN’s public policy and advocacy program, NLN resources, pressing issues before Congress, and what nurse educators can do to engage as informed advocates and support NLN’s public policy priorities.

Lead by: Christine Murphy, MA, NLN Director for Public Policy and Advocacy

 Time: 3:00 - 4:00 pm

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