Constituent League Annual Report

Reminder: As we transition the state league program, annual reports are not required for 2023. If you plan to submit an annual report, it should be completed by January 31, 2024.

Submission of materials

The following materials are part of the 2023 Annual Report and should be included in any submission online by Wednesday, January 31, 2024:

      The 2023 Annual Report should be submitted online here. The budget and strategic plans should be completed as separate documents and uploaded with the Annual Report submission. Please note that the 2023 reports will not be reviewed by the Constituent League Leadership Committee to determine a league's status with the NLN for 2024. 

      Download a PDF copy of the 2022 Annual Report for reference here.

      Find policy samples from the NLN here.

      For questions on the Annual Report or submitting materials, please email