NLN Marilyn H. Oermann Award for Distinguished Research in Nursing Education


Nomination Deadline for 2025 NERC: September 30, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST 

PURPOSE OF THE AWARD:  The purpose of the NLN Marilyn H. Oermann Award for Distinguished Research in Nursing Education is to recognize an individual or team who have generated an evidentiary base for the science of nursing education. 


  • Has a history of significant impact on one or more of the following outcomes: student, faculty, systems, or environmental;
  • Serves as mentor(s) and leader(s) to develop and influence the next generation of nurse educator scientists;
  • Disseminates broadly to share knowledge and experiences in research in nursing education; 
  • Has a body of research that employs a variety of research methodologies to address a universally applicable and contemporary problem;
  • Meets the ethical responsibilities of nursing in keeping with the NLN core values of Caring, Integrity, Diversity & Inclusion, and Excellence.


  • Nominee must be a current member of NLN (current members of the awards committee, NLN staff, and the Board of Governors are not eligible)
  • Nominee agrees to attend the 2025 NLN Nursing Education Research Conference (NERC) to receive award and is willing to give a brief presentation at the closing plenary


  • Nominations must be made by an active NLN member (regular, student, or retired)
  • Self-nomination is permitted
  • Evidence:
    • Review the criteria (see above) for the award and provide specific evidence/examples to indicate the ways in which the nominee or team meets each criterion. Provide information about the achievements for which recognition should be given. Nominees will be judged only on the data supplied by the nominator(s). Please do not copy and paste sections of the nominee's CV when providing evidence of award criterion. Personal words of support are highly valued by the NLN Awards Committee.
  • A complete nomination packet must include the following:
    • Current abbreviated curriculum vitae of nominee (if a team nomination, a CV for each) no longer than 10 pages in length substantiating primary area of contribution to the science of nursing education and emphasizing the accomplishments.
    • Two letters of support completed by individuals familiar with the nominee’s or team’s scholarly body of research each no greater than 2 pages in length
      • Include nominee’s name, credentials, and contact information
      • NLN member number
    • Two recent examples of scholarly work (published articles) authored by the nominee or team that demonstrate the quality and rigor of their work. Research published in peer-reviewed journals is preferred.
    • Letter of Acceptance—A statement from the nominee accepting the nomination and agreeing to attend NERC and present at closing plenary if selected as the award recipient

Submissions online only. Entries that do not meet the above criteria and requirements will not be considered.


For any questions about the submission process, please email .


The award recipient(s) will be notified by December 13, 2024. The award will be presented at the closing plenary of the 2025 NLN Nursing Education Research Conference.


  • Nominations Accepted: June 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024
  • Submissions Reviewed: October 1, 2024 to November 15, 2024
  • Awardee Notification: By December 13, 2024
  • Award Presentation: March 29, 2025