NLN Recognition Programs
One of the goals of the National League for Nursing is to lead in setting standards that advance excellence and innovation in nursing education. Toward this end, the Board of Governors, NLN members, and staff have collaborated to develop a number of initiatives that relate to excellence and innovation. Among the material you will find on the NLN's website related to excellence and innovation in nursing education are the following:
Academy of Nursing Education
A program to foster excellence in nursing education by recognizing and capitalizing on the wisdom of outstanding individuals in and outside the profession who have contributed to nursing education in sustained and significant ways.
Centers of Excellence Program
A program designed to recognize schools of nursing and health care organizations that have achieved a demonstrated level of excellence.
The Daisy Foundation

The NLN supports the work of the DAISY Foundation to recognize nurses around the world. DAISY’s programs are highly respected by the nursing profession as providing unique, meaningful, and impactful recognition that benefits nurses and the organizations that they work in.