
Scholarly Writing Summer Retreat Applications Due

May 16, 2025 Friday

Event Dates



In-Person at the NLN HQ

If you recently completed a research study or innovative project but have not had the time to craft an article for publication, this program is for you.

The NLN Scholarly Writing Retreat is designed to help nurse educators enhance writing skills and disseminate research findings and other work in scholarly publications. By the end of the program, our goal is for each participant to have a complete, edited paper ready for submission to a scholarly journal.

Nurse clinicians or administrators who are not faculty are also eligible to apply, but it is necessary to have a completed research study or innovative project for acceptance into the program. To be successful in the retreat, your research or project needs to be ready for dissemination, and you need to commit to completing the manuscript within the timeframe of the retreat.

Learn More & Apply

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By attending any NLN events or entering in the facility in which any events take place, you agree that the NLN and/or third parties authorized by the NLN may photograph or record your likeness, image, name, voice, and/or words, and may publish, display, reproduce, copy and distribute your likeness, image, name, voice, and/or words for promotional, educational, or membership activities worldwide in all forms of media now known or later developed, including but not limited to advertising, training, websites, presentations and marketing materials. You further acknowledge that the NLN and/or third parties authorized by the NLN shall have the right, but not the obligation, to identify you in connection with such media by name and/or affiliation.