ACE.D triptych

ACE.Z Teaching Strategies

The teaching strategies offered in this section are guidelines for faculty to develop encounters with older adults that are intentional and that incorporate all or some of the ACE.S Knowledge Domains and Essential Nursing Actions into student learning experiences. 

Alzheimer’s Teaching Strategies

While the symptoms of Alzheimer's dementia are prevalent in many practice arenas, the disease behind the symptoms and the many complications caregivers are faced with are often difficult and easily misunderstood. This series of teaching strategies are designed to help the student become more proficient in understanding Alzheimer's dementia as a disease process and the care management implications.

    Application of the 2019 Beers Criteria in Practice Caregiver Strain with Alzheimer's Dementia The Disease Mechanism of Alzheimer's Dementia Managing Behaviors Associated with Alzheimer's Dementia NEW! Oral Health and Alzheimer's Disease Recognizing Dementia, Delirium and Depression in Older Adults Supporting a Couple When One Has Dementia

    This teaching strategy offers an opportunity to use currently available free references related to 2019 updated Beers Criteria in evaluating PIM in older adults. It is directed at helping students understand potential medication concerns specific to older adults. It provides an opportunity for students to evaluate older adults and it advocates for safe medication administration. It should be noted that the Beers Criteria is intended to be used as a guide, and risks vs benefits should be part of the conversation when assessing the medications of older adults. The tool should not be used for the population of older adults in hospice or palliative care.

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