Ways to Give
There are many ways to help the NLN Foundation Preserve the Past and Build the Future of nursing education.
Throughout the year, you may give in the following ways:
- Make a gift online: Donate today and help us preserve the past and future of nursing education
- Stock or Matching Gifts: There are two other ways of making a generous gift to the NLN Foundation: donating appreciated stocks and participating on an employer-matching program. Contact foundation@nln.org for more information and next steps.
- Leave a Legacy: consider leaving a legacy in nursing education through the NLN Foundation. One small sentence in your will or conversation with your financial advisor can make a lifetime of difference. Whether you have benefited from the services of the NLN or wish to ensure that future generations can benefit, your legacy gift to the NLN Foundation is an investment in our Mission. Let us assist you in leaving a legacy in nursing education with us. Learn more about planned giving here.
- Endowment Funds: NLN Foundation Endowment Funds ensure a lasting legacy by providing funds in perpetuity. To create a new named fund, a gift of $50,000 is required. However, anyone can designate a gift to any endowment fund. Thanks to the generosity of many individuals, we have established the following named endowment funds:
- Board of Trustees/Board of Governors Endowment Fund
- Ruth D. Corcoran Fund for Nursing Education
- Nancy Langston Nursing Education Research Fund
- Dorothy A. Otto Endowment Fund
- Mary Anne Rizzolo Faculty Dissertation Scholarship Fund
- Edmund J.Y. Pajarillo Health Informatics and Innovation Collaborative Endowment
Thank You to Our 2023 Donors!
For more information on ways to give, please contact Emma Casey at ecasey@nln.org or foundation@nln.org.
Donors on what it means to give to the NLN
"I believe the mission of the National League for Nursing is as relevant and vital today as it was when NLN was founded in 120 year ago. Because of the benefits I have received personally and professionally and because I believe that the NLN will be a dynamic leader in creation of the preferred future for our profession and health care, I have chosen to make the NLN Foundation for Nursing Education a priority for my philanthropy." - Nancy Langston, PhD, RN, FAAN